Saturday, March 12, 2011


I find myself with an 8 week old baby that has completely changed my life!  Wow!  It's been a long time since I've had a baby.  We soon settle into a routine and life goes on.  When he was about 2 y/o I noticed that Christian had delayed speech and would have "staring spells" and since his birth mother has seizures, I took him to a neurologist. 
Test were negative, but we were referred to a neuropsycholgist.  After 2 hours of testing, the results came back that he had autistic tendencies.  What????  At this point the nurse in me kicked into full research mode.  I was determined to wrap my head around this diagnosis and do whatever it takes to get Christian what he needs.  The more I researched, the more questions I had.

I did get Christian into the First Steps program with our local program and he started to receive speech therapy.  At age 3 we re-tested with our neuropsychologist and she again stated he has autistic tendencies, but didn't want to diagnose due to his young age. (I would push for diagnosis knowing what I know now).  He was finally given the diagnosis of Aspergers at age 4.  It was determined that his speech delay was due to multiple ear infections and the fact he had 4 sets of PE tubes by the time he was 3y/o. 

He now speaks very well thanks to his speech therapist!  I also got in enrolled with occupational therapy and speech on a private basis.  Autism doesn't go away, so each day is a new challenge. 

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